
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Christian Kingdoms, 11th-12th Centuries

Resultado de imagen de reconquest 11th and 13th centuries

Kingdom of León. More about the Kingdom of León.
         Another piece of information about the Kingdom of León.

Kingdom of Castile:
      Ferdinand I: biography 1, biography 2 and biography 3.
      Alfonso VI: biography 1, biography 2 and biography 3.
      Queen Urraca of Leon: biography 1, biography 2 and biography 3.
      Alfonso VIII of Castile: biography 1.
            1195, Battle of Alarcos.
                  Another piece of information about the Battle of Alarcos.

Kingdom of Portugal. More information about Portugal.
      Something about the History of Portugal.
      Alfonso I (1139-1185): biography 1, biography 2 and biography 3.

From Kingdom of Pamplona to Kingdom of Navarre:
      Sancho III Garcés (The Great) of Pamplona (1004-1035):
            biography 1biography 2 and biography 3.
      Sancho Ramírez (c. 1042-1094): biography 1, biography 2 and biography 3.
      García Ramírez (c.1100-1150): biography 1, biography 2 and biography 3.

Kingdom of Aragon:
      Alfonso I the Battler (1104-1134): biography 1, biography 2 and biography 3.
      Ramiro II the Monk (1134-1137): biography 1, biography 2 and biography 3.
      Petronila of Aragon (1137-1164): biography.
            Ramón Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona (c.1114-1162):
                  biography 1 and biography 2.
      Alfonso II the Chaste (1164-1196): biography 1, biography 2 and biography 3.

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