Thursday, April 21, 2016

La Primera Guerra Mundial

Nacionalismos y rivalidades imperiales en Europa: mapa.

¿Cómo entender la Primera Guerra Mundial?: video.

El Imperialismo y la Primera Guerra Mundial.

La Primera Guerra Mundial:
      - animación flash,
      - resumen: video,
      - mapa conceptua 1 y mapa conceptual 2.

La mujer en la Primera Guerra Mundial.

La desmembración de los imperios europeos tras la I Guerra Mundial: mapa.

      - Localiza en el mapa los países beligerantes: actividad 1.
      - Relaciona: actividad 1.
      - Crucigrama 1 y crucigrama 2.
      - Test.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Economy - Activities

Goods and services:
      - Drag on...:  activity 1activity 2activity 3activity 4 and activity 5.
      - Multiple choice test.
      - Quiz.
      - Producers of goods or producers of services.

Producer or consumer:
      - Simple Simon Story: questions.
      - Drag on...: activity 1 and activity 2.

Producer and resources:
      - Drag on...: activity 1.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Women's Rights

Resultado de imagen de suffragist                    

Women's Rights Movement in the 19th Century: Video.

The women's suffrage movement.
      The campaign for women's suffrage.
      Suffragists vs suffragettes: video.
            Suffragists: definition.
            Suffragettes: definition.
                  Who were the suffragettes?
                        Suffragette Emily Davison: video.

Civil Rights: Women's Suffrage.
Another piece of information about Women's Suffrage.
      Emmeline Pankhurst: Facts about the Suffragette leader: video.

A brief History of Women's Rights in the UK: video.
      Women and the vote (British Parliament).

History of Women's Rights in the United States (1848-1920): video.
      The Women's Rights Movement, 1848-1920.
      Women's Suffrage Timeline in the USA.

Australian suffragettes.
      Women and politics in South Australia.

Irish suffragettes at the time of Home Rule Crisis.

Brief history: Women and the vote in New Zealand.
      Votes for women.

Women's Rights Movement.
Suffrage Movement.
The Fight to Vote.

List of women's rights activists.

Resultado de imagen de votes for women

Friday, April 08, 2016

Armed peace

Colonial Wars and Armed Peace, 1870-1914. A Reconaissance.

Marching toward War, 1870-1914 (Power Point Presentation): video.

The Bismarckian Alliance System.

Major Treaties and Alliances in the Build Up to World War One: video.

Thursday, April 07, 2016


Muslim Spain (711-1492). Another piece of information about Muslim Spain.
      The Birth of Al-Andalus.
      The Berbers and Tariq Ibn Ziyad. The Conquest of Spain: video.
      Decline of Muslim Rule in the Iberian Peninsula: video.

Reconquista and Islam in Spain.

Islamic Art

The Umayyad Mosque of  Damascus

Introduction to Islamic Art.

What is Islamic Art?
      Introduction to mosque architecture.

Islamic Art (The Met).

Islamic Art and Architecture: video.

Patterns in Islamic Architecture: video.

Heritage of Islam in Architecture: video.

Islamic Geometric Art.

Figural representation in Islamic Art.

Islamic pottey: example 1, example 2,

Islamic pieces made of...
      - glass.
      - marble: example 1.
      - metal: example 1, example 2 and example 3.
      - wood: example 1.

History of  Islamic Art (c. 622-1900).

Islamic Art & Architecture Web.

The Museum of Islamic Art (Cairo, Egypt).