Catholic Monarchs. Another piece of information about the Catholic Monarchs.
More information related to the Catholic Monarchs.
Catholic Monarchs, the kingdom of Castile.
The Golden Age: Ferdinand and Isabella.
1469, Fedinand and Isabella marriage.
The politics of the Catholic Monarchs.
Isabella of Castile: Europe's greatest queen?
Queen Isabell I of Castile: documentary.
Death of Isabella I of Castile.
Ferdinand II, king of Aragon.
The Last Will and Testament of Ferdinand II of Aragon.
Spain intelligence agency cracks 500-years-old letters between Ferdinand II and commander.
Isabella I of Castile (1474-1504): biography 1, biography 2 and biography 3.
Ferdinand II of Aragon (1479-1516): biography 1, biography 2, biography 3 and biography 4.
Granada, Spain: Reconquista Legacies by Rick Steves: video.
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